Tara Anderson

August 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Meet Our Genealogists


Hi! I’m Tara, one of the Resident Genealogists here at GenealogyBeginner.com. I have over 15 years of family history research experience, and have been a professional genealogist since 2009. I am originally from Sandy, Oregon, but currently reside in Portland, Oregon, where I spend most of my time trying to keep up with my seven year old son, our Australian Shepherd, two cats, and four urban chickens. I am also currently a full time college student, pursuing degrees in both Web Design and Development and in Business.

Growing up, I had a very close relationship with my maternal grandparents, and would spend hours listening to my grandfather tell me stories of his childhood in West Virginia, and my grandmother tell stories of growing up in Joplin, Missouri. On the paternal side of my family, I was raised to be very proud of being a fourth generation Oregonian, that side of my family having arrived in 1902. With this background, it came as no surprise that I got bit by the genealogy bug at the fairly young age of 16. I’ve been researching for myself and others ever since, and I absolutely love it.

My research focus has primarily been in the United States, although I do have some experience researching in parts of Canada, Norway and Sweden. In the U.S., I have extensive experience researching in West Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington, California and Oregon, and varying degrees of experience in the remaining states. I am a member of numerous genealogical organizations, including the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society, Genealogical Forum of Oregon, Genealogical Council of Oregon, Minnesota Genealogical Society, Wisconsin State Genealogical Society and West Virginia Genealogical Society.

I’m a bit of a geek, and try to make use of technology in my research whenever possible. From blogging to social media (I’m very active on Facebook and Twitter) to handheld scanners and other gadgets, I love to add new tricks to my “genealogy tech toolbox.” My degree as a Paralegal has really helped me not only with my research skills, but has also given me a solid background in deciphering documents such as wills, deeds and the many other legal papers a researcher comes across in their journey. I also take as many opportunities as possible to further refine my genealogy-specific skills, whether through correspondence courses, webinars, classes or conventions. I’m really hoping to make it to the Roots Tech Convention this next year. Well, that’s me in a nutshell. I hope that you are finding GenealogyBeginner.com to be a wonderful addition to your own genealogy toolbox. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ramona or myself in the forums – we’re here to help. Happy ancestor hunting!

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