

Customer Support

  • Support Message Board
    We suggest you search our technical support message board. You’ll find the board is staffed by our team of professional genealogists and it’s likely someone else has asked your question before.
  • Postal Mail
    If you’d like to drop us a letter, old photo, or even a copy of your family tree, please know you are always welcome to mail us directly at

Genealogy Beginner
PO Box 15044
Portland, ME 04112-5044

  • Contact Form
    You can use the contact form below to reach out to our support team directly, and one of them will respond within one business day, if not sooner.

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)


      Your Question or Problem

      Allow my issue to be added to the help forums

    Let Us Know How We’re Doing

    We would love to hear what you have to say (good or bad). You are welcome to use any of the information above to give us a call, write us an email, or leave a comment just to tell us how we’re doing.

    And please reach out to me personally if you have any specific concerns. My direct line is 207.619.2297 and you can email me at cclegg(at)

    Warmest regards,