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St. Andrew’s Cemetery; Darien, Georgia

The poetic inscription at the beginning of this article about St. Andrew’s Church Cemetery in Darien, McIntosh County, Georgia, reads:

At the end of this avenue, on high land overlooking the creeks and marshes, Thomas Spalding of Sapelo established his family burial ground.”

This short article is part of the Historical Marker Database recently uploaded from Southern Graves, a website dedicated to the history, research and preservation of Southern U.S. cemeteries and burial sites large and small.

The site contains Southern cemetery listings, directories, and a broad and wondrous selection of articles; from the humorous to the heartfelt and beyond. The site also contains a link to a remarkable must read Blog filled with winning and always interesting subject matter.

This site is not only a treasure to genealogists but should be commended for the spirit in which it is presented, respectful, yet full of the human experience.

A must read for all! Beautifully done!

I highly recommend a visit to Southern Graves Home.


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