Do Genealogy Specific Search Engines Simplify Your Family Tree Research?

 Have you ever wished for a genealogy exclusive search engine that could:

Organize and simplify your family tree research?
Cut out all of the garbage returns and zero in on your specific search criteria?
Do it FAST and FREE


A search engine like this is on the top of my family history wish list and while  it seems that every other genealogy search engine I come across is making claims that their tools use the ultimate in “Intelligent Search” or “Smart Technology”:  I have yet to find one that fulfills all promises made.

In reality, what I have found is that most sites that make these claims simply redirect you to the major known genealogy sites or query boards.

While Mocavo comes close and Google does an excellent job with the right search terms   the best strategy is simply gather up your family tree templates and go straight to a reputable record source such as Family Search, or the archive/repository for the area you are searching.

In fact, if your search is geography specific it may be more worth your time and money to join the family history society that covers your specific location.

Finding the all the time you want to spend researching your family tree can be hard enough without wasting it on useless searches that yield few results.

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