Medieval Scottish Roots

If you are ready to start digging for ancestors that go way-way back …all the way, back to medieval times on the British Isles.

 Here is a website that you should put at the top of your family history list.




People of Medieval Scotland is an amazing database containing 8600 records. This database consists of all known people of Scotland from 1093 to 1314 and it is the culmination of two projects funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The Projects

The Paradox of Medieval Scotland is a study of the social relationships before the wars of independence. This will be riveting for those who have traced their British ancestry back to Anglo-Norman origins. The information drawn from over 6000 charters provides biographical data for all known Scottish peoples between 1093 and 1286.

The Breaking of Britain is concerned with the period extending from Alexander II’s attempted revival to the abolition of cross border, land holding by Robert the Bruce.

The Database

The database as a whole is a collection of information on every known individual mentioned in documents relation to Scotland between the death of Malcolm III in 1093 to Robert the First’s parliament in Cambuskenneth in 1314. What makes this database so special is that it is based on the relationships between the people named in the documents.

The next feature that separates this database from so many others is the database tutorial, which makes navigating it easy…even for a genealogy beginner. Searching the database can be done using a broad base of criteria such as Institutions, factoids, people, sources, relationships, transactions and terms of tenure.

For example, a search for the surname Sinclair under the “Factoid” search returns a list of Sinclair’s by name ranging from 1093-1314. Clicking on one these will bring up a pop up box that gives you a short biography and an option to view the full record.  Choosing to view the full record will move you to page with a total number of associated factoids such as:

Transaction factoids: Lists transactions such as gifts of land, general correspondence, oaths of fealty and much more

Relationship Factoids: Names relationships connected to the individual, for instance both familial and guardianships

Title Factoids: Lists all titles and offices held by the individual

Witness Factoids: Documents on which the individual is listed as a witness

 Family Tree

After browsing through the available documents users also have the option of looking at the listed family tree for the individual. Under my Sinclair search, I found the family tree for the line on a tab at the top of the page. Clicking on this menu item the family tree listed three trees in which this individual could be found: Scottish Royal Family, Earl David descendants, English royal family and Manx royal family.

Although the database covers all territory, which was to become part of Scotland prior to the death of Alexander III, those looking for specific genealogy information on individuals from Orkney or Shetland will be disappointed if they try a geographic search, However if you know who your ancestors are from those areas there certainly is a great deal of information included.

The last two points that should convince you to put this site in your favorites is that the database is free and there is no need to register to use it.

Before you head off to visit this amazing website, be sure to download your free Family Tree Charts, available with your 30-day free trial membership to



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