A Graphic Family in History

Family History books come in all shapes and sizes however I am not sure many genealogists ever expected to see one in the form of a graphic novel.  The Loxleys and the War of 1812 is a book that records a monumental chapter in Canadian history through the premise of a family history.




The idea to use a family tree to tell the story of the War of 1812 belongs to British expat, Alexander Finbow.  Digging deep into letters and journals, Finbow researched families living in Upper Canada during this period in history. However, unable to settle on a single family the “Loxley’s” became a fusion of stories from several pioneering families.

The graphic novel is a factual telling of the war through the “Loxleys” a fourth generation Canadian family who are located in the Niagara Peninsula. Having left America following the American War of Independence, readers follow the family through the journals of “Aurora Loxley” who diligently records the involvement, trials and struggles of her family as they are thrust back into violence when America declares war on Britain and the Canadas.

A collaboration of artists, writers and historians The Loxleys and the War of 1812 is published by Renegade Arts Entertainment, written by Alan Grant with a summary by Canadian Military historian Mark Zuehlke, with illustrations by Claude St. Aubin and Lovern Kindzierski.

Although genealogically the story is indeed fictional, the concept of bringing a family history book to life through a graphic novel is intriguing and promises to be an enjoyable read for all interested in history and genealogy.

Image Courtesy of Claude St. Aubin  with permission from Alexander Finbow

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