Genealogy Search

There are a large number of free websites that exist simply for your use in a family history search. These sites contain databases and search capabilities that can quickly aid in determining whether you are on the right path in your search. We suggest you start with a solid Blank Family Tree Template. If you don’t know about it already, it is time to become familiar with the Latter Day Saints’ extensive Web site, which covers parts of Europe, the East Coast and North America for several generations. The Latter Day Saints are renowned for their work in genealogy.


Although records have been found dating back to a person in Europe in 1200 A.D., the Latter Day Saints’ Web site information is not as complete as the CD databases available at public genealogy libraries or at their own genealogy libraries located in most major cities around the world.

Note: In The Step-by-Step Genealogy Guide, we discuss searching public records in detail, including how to get free, professional, one-on-one assistance. The Guide also offers more information abut the LDS website plus provides extensive details about getting the most of an actual visit to the library.

Set a specific goal for each online family history search session (i.e., the one hour you have on Sunday before junior wakes up from his nap) Try to narrow your search and only look at those items that are closely related to your quest. It is possible to spend many fascinating, yet useless hours chasing information. Try to remain focused on your search.

Now Download the full Genealogy Guide and keep your research going!


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