Giving Your Family Tree for Christmas

The Ancestry Insider is quickly becoming one of my favorite blog spots, in a post titled “Giving Your Family Tree for Christmas.” There is an amazing wealth of information about publishing a family tree book for yourself or a family member. The best part about the post is that it was inspired by a reader’s question. (See link at the bottom of this article to visit the original post and read about a site visitor who asked a question that started it all.) Here are some highlights from the article:

Reader Fawn Eutzy writes,

I am attempting to find the pricing for I want to have a family tree style book made for my mother for Christmas & I am not sure the exact way of getting the information and having a book made without spending hundreds of dollars. Any suggestions and direction?

Thanks so much

Fawn Eutzy

Publishing your family tree as a gift for loved ones is a wonderful idea, but it is not without cost. Your primary cost will be in hours of preparation. And I’m always surprised how expensive a professional quality book runs. For your children, an electronic copy (PDF) can be as satisfying as a physical book. But for an older relative, nothing will be quite as meaningful as something they can hold in their hands and smell as the pages are turned for the first time.

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Blank Family Tree with Step-by-Step Instructions


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