Genealogy Reports and Charts

Free Obituary Templates

When reviewing obituaries, it is helpful to know that most follow a fairly standard template format.  However, it seems there may be some confusion as to what this format is and, when reviewing or writing an obituary, what type of format to use or expect. To assist with this, we’ve reviewed a number of free obituary templates sites and present two of them here for your research.  Please let us know if we missed anything.

This website has suggestions for those who wish to write an obituary for themselves or for a loved one. The purpose is to help one write an obituary that is lively, accurate and memorable.

You can visit their section on templates by clicking here.

Write Express
Write Express is a site that sells letter writing software.  However, it also has an interesting tip about writing obituaries that may help for those looking for free obituary templates.

Writing an obituary will never be easy, but if the task has fallen on your shoulders, a good set of free obituary templates may assist you in doing it well.


Where to Next?

Blank Family Tree with Step-by-Step Instructions


Free Family Tree Templates (Blank Family Trees)

Visitors to Genealogy Beginner are often looking for family tree templates they can use to get a better understanding of what their family tree should look like.

Click here to download the template

A couple days after you download your tree we’ll show you another great place to find an archive of hundreds of thousands of images of family trees. Great to develop ideas and explore new formats.

We’ll also direct you to a list of link that will direct you to a web page where you can download free blank family trees. We’ve avoided any sites that require registration and reviewed everything to make sure there were no strings attached.

When you download your free blank family tree we’ll ask for your email address so we can send you this follow-up information along with great tips and techniques to help you start your genealogy project.

As we come across new sites like these, I’ll be sure to add them to the list. You can look forward to the following downloads a couple days after you download your first free family tree template:

Family Tree Resources

  • Family Tree Chart
  • Research Calendar
  • Family Tree Research Extract
  • Family Tree Chart
  • Kids Family Tree Chart
  • Pedigree Chart
  • Fan Chart
  • Bowtie chart

Other Templates

  • Family Tree Chart (Requires MS Excel)

I hope you find these links helpful. Let me close by recommending a great article by Rachna Gupta about family tree charts and templates. She has some fantastic recommendations and does a wonderful job talking about how you can create your own, unique family tree design.

So… why don’t you click on the link below and get access to your free family tree templates today:

Download a Blank

Family Tree Template

Blank Family Tree

If you want to create a family tree, you can find hundreds of blank forms online. Once you have performed the necessary research, these forms are ideal for presenting your genealogy data in an easy-to-read format. Before you can fill in the branches of your family tree, you need to find a reliable resource for locating the names of your ancestors. Creating your family tree begins with selecting a few family members to trace through the years. This research blossoms as you gain information through public records, online resources, and data gathered from family members.

You can improve your research efforts by learning some of the research methods used by the professionals.

One of the best resources for learning the tricks of the trade is Genealogy Guide from Genealogy Beginner. If you choose to download the guide (free), you’ll receive valuable advice on getting your paperwork in order, family interviews, initial database searches, government sources, and how to learn from the work of others. Each of the 5 chapters covers a different aspect of researching your family history.

Taking the time to learn how to perform efficient genealogy research saves you a great deal of time in the long run. In addition, taking advantage of The Genealogy Guide helps to ensure you gather accurate information from the most reliable resources. Once you perform your research, you can find software that offers templates for creating family trees. You can also find several websites that offer interactive forms that you can post online for people all over the world to view.


Where to Next?

Blank Family Tree Template



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